318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107

Carpet and Rug Care Tips

Carpets and rugs can provide many years of good service and beauty, if cared for properly. Here are some simple ways to maximize the lasting power of your carpets and rugs :

  • Reduce dirt-tracking by always keeping indoor and outdoor welcome mats handy at entrances.
  • Dirt particles can be super-sharp, cutting into your carpet or rug’s fibers and producing premature deterioration. Keep dirt build-up at bay with regular vacuuming sessions, aiming for at least once a week for the whole house and a minimum of 2-3 times a week for areas that receive more foot traffic.
  • Vacuum efficiently. Make sure that your vacuum’s bags and filters are cleaned or replaced frequently to maximize the effectiveness of your cleaning routine.
  • Respond quickly to spills. The sooner you wipe up a spill, the higher your chance of preventing any lasting damage.
  • When using stain removal products, always remember to do a preliminary check for colorfastness on a small area of carpet that isn’t usually on display (the dark corners of a coat closet, for example).
  • Prevent dirt, debris, pet soiling or stains from damaging your carpet or rug with a hardworking professional protective coating. It’s a small investment and yields great returns in the form of enhanced longevity, looks, deodorization and sensitization.